Sault Tribe Board of Directors Cancels February 18 Meeting.

February 18 2025.  Sault Tribe Board of Directors February 18 Meeting Canceled. 

"Chairman Lowes has announced that the Tuesday, February 18, 2025 board of directors workshop and meeting has been canceled. As we continue to navigate these unprecedented circumstances, team members are 100% focused on ensuring membership services are maintained and the board understands the priority of ensuring that critical team members are able to focus on that with minimal interruptions.

If any critical issues should arise that require board of directors approval, please contact Lona and Ashlee to discuss. Special board meetings will be called as needed. Chairman Lowes and the board of directors would like to express our deepest, most sincere appreciation for our team members in all that you do for our Tribe and our people. Chi Miigwech!"

Contact phone : (906)635-6050  (906) 635-4969 - Fax. 
