Sault Tribe Manistique Fitness Center Open House April 16.

March 25 2025.  

Please join the Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians for its Manistique Tribal Fitness Center Open House on April 16 from 1 to 4 p.m. The Manistique Tribal Fitness Center is located at 5696W US HWY2 in Manistique, next to the Manistique Tribal Health Clinic.

The open house begins with a traditional prayer with remarks and ribbon cutting followed by tours of the new building, which includes a yoga room, an exercise room with state-of-the-art fitness equipment, a half basketball court, walking track and locker rooms with showers. Free to Sault Tribe members, the center will be accessible to registered members 24 hours, seven days a week.

Staff will be on hand to register Sault Tribe members for a fitness center membership. After the first month of operation exclusively for Sault Tribe members, the fitness center will open up to other groups. Please watch for further details.

Reimbursements through the tribe for Yooper Fitness are valid only through the end of April 2025.

Manistique Fitness Center Open House Flyer
