July 8 2024. Tribal Members once prohibited from serving on Tribal Committees because they lived outside of the U.P. Seven County Service Area are now qualified to serve on a Tribal Committee as a result
July 6 2024. Before you buy a horse consider adopting a Mesa Verde Mustang. The National Mustang Association Colorado is working with Mesa Verde National Park to adopt the Mustangs living at the National Park
July 2 2024. Governor Whitmer Announces Michigan Signs Agreement to Protect Great Lakes from Invasive Species. LANSING, Mich.—Today, Governor Gretchen Whitmer announced that Michigan signed an agreement with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Illinois to cosponsor the construction of the
July 1, 2024. Is a new Real Estate Development Plan coming soon to Wayne County? Today Turtle Talk along with other legal news sites report the Sault Tribe lost the appeal in the DC Circuit
June 28 2024. How to stop taking things so personally.Key takeaways.Everyone takes things personally once in a while. But if you have a strong emotional response to feedback and tend to take responsibility for
June 27 2024. Sault Tribe Board of Directors Election Unofficial Results. Unofficial results of the Sault Tribe Board of Directors General Election:Chairman: Austin Lowes.Unit 1: Michael McKerchie, Kimberle Gravelle, Aaron Payment.Unit 2: Lana Causley.Unit 3: Bridgett
July 2 2024. Video of July 2 Board Meeting .SAULT STE. MARIE, Mich. —The Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians Board of Directors held a regular meeting beginning 5 p.m. on July
2/18/24.  We are American Indians that "identify" as First Nations Citizens.   ​First Nations Citizens are the descendants of the people that lived in North America prior to others arriving. As a result of
June 25 2024. The Kewadian Casinos Summer Business looks promising with plenty of promotions lined up for all 5 locations, including celebrating milestones like the 30th Anniversary at the Hessel Casino, the uplift in Sault