April 26 2024. First Nations News Weekly Report.  Sponsored by The Older Wiser Project.   American Indians now “identify” as First Nations Citizens.

April 18, 2024. WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Representatives Derek Kilmer (WA-06) and Russ Fulcher (ID-01) introduced the Tribal Border Crossing Parity Act to redouble America’s efforts to end a half-century-old U.S. immigration policy which requires Native

April 17 2024. First Nations News Weekly Report.     This week's sponsor is  The Older Wiser Project. The Older Wiser Project provides planning tools for a time when you may need to stop driving.

April 10, 2024. First Nations Weekly Report.  Originally produced to air on FCC Licensed Commercial Radio Stations.  Lake Capote Osprey Cam.American Indians now “identify” as First Nations Citizens.

April 5 2024.  The Osprey have arrived at Lake Capote and have built their nest.  Enjoy. Lake Capote Osprey Cam

April 3 2024.   SAULT STE. MARIE, Mich. – The Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians has filed its opening U.S. Court of Appeals brief against the state of Michigan, arguing that a court-imposed

April 2 2024 First Nations News Report. Learn when its time to stop driving

​​Recorded Sault Tribe Board Meeting April 2 2024​​​​.  ​Tribal Members should watch this meeting as an example of why our recorded board meetings should be available only to Tribal Members that log into a confidential