September 14, 2023.  The Tribal Board passed a resolution during the September 5 board Meeting to terminate the contract with Special Counsel Contract-Morisset, Schlosser, Jozwiak, & Somerville PC, the law firm that has been representing

September 10, 2023.  In response to our request for information about the grant awarded to Indian Energy, the California Energy Commission provided the following response:In selecting the lead company to complete LDES-22-01, the grant you

September 10, 2023. Silver carp eDNA detected in one location on the St. Joseph River in Michigan. Routine environmental DNA (eDNA) surveillance for invasive bighead and silver carp, conducted annually by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife

September 3, 2023.  First-generation students feel the impacts after the Supreme Court strikes Biden's loan forgiveness plans.More than 43 million Americans had to rethink their financial plans for the future when, on June 30, 2023,

  ​September 3, 2023.     Sault Tribe Traditional Medicine.Fall Fasting Ceremony "Mukade Kewinan".Wednesday, Sept. 27‑Sunday, Oct. 1.Mary Murray Culture Camp,266 Homestead Rd., Sugar Island, MI 49783. Women’s Fast For Mother Earth.Saturday, Sept. 30.Fasting begins at sunrise and

August 29, 2023.  The National News owned by the Gatekeepers mentioned in the research commissioned by the Writers Guild of America strangely silent .......too afraid to lose their jobs?  The are probably ordered to keep

August 28, 2023.  Debunking common pet food myths.Misinformation in the pet food market is prevalent. This can be detrimental to companion animals on many levels, especially with growing reports of pet obesity rates spiking in

Consider adding a donation of workwear or gloves.

August 18, 2023.   During the August 15 Tribal Board Meeting Members asked the Board to provide an update about Indian Energy.  Answering for the Board, Austin Lowes stated we were promised a payment, but