September 6, 2022.
Our Board Wrap-Up will be provided in two posts this week because we want to address the need for our Tribal Board to learn how to follow the Robert Rules of Order or the need to write their own Rules of Order if they don't want to follow Robert's Rules of Order.
On July 19, 2022 DJ Hoffman violated the rules of order when instead of revising an agenda after the original agenda provided was not approved he promptly decided to end a Tribal Board Meeting like a dictator. This week the Board would not pass a resolution to pass the correction of the minutes from the June 25 Meeting which appointed DJ Hoffman as Tribal Chairman. While we agree that they are correct in objecting to the resolution that appointed DJ Hoffman as Tribal Chairman the refusal to approve the correction of a typo in the minutes of the meeting is absolutely pointless.
First Things First. Lets get every Board Member a copy of Robert's Rules of Order and require them to bring the book to the meetings or require them to write their own rules of order. Buying them all a book of the Robert's Rules of Order is less than $100. with shipping costs. The board should have that in the office supply budget. No resolution needed.
While we respect the board members dedication......"what is happening" is screaming in our heads when watching this unfold live.