SAULT STE. MARIE, Mich. —The Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians Board of Directors will hold a regular meeting beginning 5 p.m. on Aug. 15 at the Hessel Tribal Community Center, in person or via Zoom,
“Membership Participation” will be held at 5 p.m. in person or by virtual attendance. The link is available Sault Tribe website under membership assistance for the meeting link and Membership Form that must be completed. The deadline to submit a form is 1 p.m. on meeting day. The link is
Those who have already registered for Zoom meetings need not register again unless they have a matter for the board.
On the agenda under Resolutions is: Continuing Funding Authority-Health Division for FY, 2024 Schedule B Budgets October through September, Buildings-Sibley Road, Establishment of FY 2023 and FY2024 Budgets, Sault Tribe Thrive Establishment of FY 2024 Budget, Governmental-Referendums Establishment of FY 2023 Budget, Eagle Lending Gitchi Enterprises Relocation/Expansion, Land Purchase for Cultural and Traditional Use, Recruitment and Retention of Shelter Worker Positions, Waiver of Sovereign Immunity and Consent to Waiver of Tribal Court Jurisdiction Service Contract for Momentive Inc., Authorizing Land Acquisition Policy, Amending Chapter 34 Personal Protection Orders and Injunctions, Health Division WIFI Assessment, Investigation of Election Committee’s Conduct of the 2022 General Election and Special Advisory Election, Amending Resolution 2023-261: Tribal Roll Opening, and Revising Tribal Code Chapter 11: Membership Ordinance to Align with the Language of the Tribe’s Constitution.
Under New Business, the board will consider Committee Appointments and Board Concerns.