Sault Tribe Board March 18 Meeting in Sault Ste. Marie.

March 18 2025.           Recorded Sault Tribe Board Meeting.

Sault Tribe Board March 18 Meeting in Sault Ste. Marie.

SAULT STE. MARIE, Mich. — The Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians Board of Directors will held a regular meeting beginning 5 p.m. on March 18 at Sault Kewadin Casino, in person or via Zoom,

“Membership Participation” was held at 5 p.m. in person or by virtual attendance. The link is available at the Sault Tribe website under membership assistance for the meeting link and Membership Form that must be completed. The deadline to submit a form is 1 p.m. on meeting day. The link is Those who have already registered for Zoom meetings need not register again unless they have a matter for the board.

On the agenda under Resolutions were:

Continuing Funding – Health FY25 Schedule B; Continuing Funding – Governmental FY25; Continuing Funding – FY 26 Schedule A; Operation Stonegarden Establish FY25 Budget; FY25 Buildings Capital Expenditures Budget; Tribal Youth Initiative Establish FY25 Budget; Epoufette Harbor Access Establish FY25 Budget; ACFS Establish FY25 Budgets and Modifications – Social Work, Binogii, LIHEAP, CCDF; FY25 BIA Transportation Establish FY25 Budgets; Legal – Tribal Attorney; 2025 Indian Housing Plan – Amendment; Rebuild of Nunns Creek Lamprey Barrier and Weir; St. Mary’s River Dredged Materials Placement Recommendation; Award Broadband Feasibility Study – CCC; Tribal Operations Cyber Response, Waiver of Sovereign Immunity Horvath Towers VI; and Approving Contract Newberry Yooper Fitness.

Under New Business, the board considered Board Concerns.
