Sault Tribe Board schedules Special Board Meeting for August 27. Changes needed to make PRC available to all members.

August 29 2024.   Sault Tribe Board held a special meeting Aug. 27 in Sault Ste. Marie.

The Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians Board of Directors held a special meeting at 5 p.m. on Aug. 27, at the Sault Kewadin Casino, in person or via Zoom, On the agenda under Resolutions is: Retention/Recruitment of Early Childhood Education Program Positions, however the meeting started with introductions to the Health Advisory Board. This meeting is focused on health care improvements and changes being implemented as a result of the Blue Stone Consultants including services for Tribal Members known as PRC (Purchased Referred Care) which are health care services referred to other providers paid for by the tribe.  

PRC is only available to the Tribal Members living in the Seven County Service Area. None of the people that participated in that meeting appeared to care about addressing the needs of Tribal Members living outside the area, which is the majority of the Tribe according to the U.S. Census Research.  

PRC needs to be available to all Tribal Members in our view.  That change would make the Board's obsession of earning profits in healthcare by hiring a marketing department for the health department and forcing Doctors to spend less time with their Patients seem slightly less repulsive.  
