November 11 2024.
Unlike most tribal news websites, radio stations,social media sites, or newspapers that are funded by tribal governments the Sault Tribe Guardian is an independent news source for tribal affairs and other news content that may be of interest to tribal members or those that wish to be informed about tribal affairs.
We seek to hold our tribal board and key employees accountable to our members along with providing input for needed changes we believe will result in positive changes.
Sault Tribe Guardian Mission Statements:
- We want our tribe to be one of the "Prosperous Tribes" that provide equal rights and services for ALL our members.
- We want a plan for increased Tribal Elder Benefits including paying all costs that are not covered by Medicare such as Co-Pays and Monthly Insurance Premium Payments.
- We want the members that wish to serve as a Volunteer on any Sault Tribe Committee allowed to do so if they pass a background check with absolutely ZERO input or votes for approval needed from the tribal board.
- We want an Economic Development Committee formed to approve new projects prior to investment by the tribe and oversee current business ventures with the goal to produce profits that are distributed to tribal members.
- We seek to end tribal member stereotypes.
- We seek to end the term "American Indian" and replace it with the term First Nations Citizens and First Nations Tribes.
Editorial Policies:
- We do consider publishing press releases and often use them as a source of news content. Tribal Members and others with Tribal News Content are encouraged to email information to our News Department for review.
- The Sault Tribe is not using social media sites or allowing comments on our news website because research supports the unhealthy side-effects of comment sections and social media platforms may outweigh the benefits. We prefer to be the place you go to when you need a break from social media.
- We do not violate a person’s rights to privacy.
- We are Seven Generation Planners.
- We are a fact-based media company.
Tribal Board Relations Update:
- The tribe opened the Rolls.
- The IT Department issued a RFP to rebuild the official website adding a Tribal Member Portal.
- The board passed and implemented a no-smoking policy at the Kewadian Casinos.
- Tribal Members outside the Seven County Service Area can now serve on Committees.
- A portion of the profits for Lume are supposed to be paid to the Tribal Elder Fund, however we can not verify that change has been implemented.
- The Tribe now provides video recordings of tribal board meetings and manages to follow a version of Robert's Rules of Order for the most part treating each other with more respect than they did in the past.
As of today in our view the Sault Tribe Board of Directors continues to violate Section 1 of Article III By-Laws of the Sault Tribe Constitution . "SECTION 1. ALL BOOKS, RECORDS AND FINANCIAL ACCOUNTS OF THE SAULT STE. MARIE TRIBE OF CHIPPEWA INDIANS, INCLUDING THE TRIBAL ROLL, SHALL BE OPEN TO INSPECTION BY TRIBAL MEMBERS UPON REASONABLE REQUEST TO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS." The Sault Tribe of Chippewa Indians Unit Three Board of Directors and the Tribal Chairman refuse to honor the requests to see all records allowed for in Section One, Article III made by a Tribal Elder in a reasonable manner. They won't even define what they consider to be a "Reasonable Request".
We believe a "Reasonable Request" is that the tribe host bi-annual meetings to fulfill the members rights provided in Section 1 Article III.
To reach the Sault Tribe Guardian Staff email